File size: 16.1 MB

TextMate brings Apple's approach to operating systems into the world of text editors.

By bridging UNIX underpinnings and GUI, TextMate cherry-picks the best of both worlds to the benefit of expert scripters and novice users alike. A list of highlights follow, you can follow the links to learn more.

- Ability to Search and Replace in a Project

- Auto-Indent for Common Actions Like Pasting Text

- Auto-Pairing of Brackets and Other Characters

- Clipboard History

- Column Selections and Column Typing

- Completion of Words from Current Document

- CSS-like Selectors to Pinpoint the Scope of Actions and Settings

- Declarative Language Grammars for Graceful Mixing and Hacking

- Dynamic Outline for Working With Multiple Files

- Expand Trigger Words to Code Blocks With Tab-able Placeholders

- File Tabs when Working With Projects

- Foldable Code Blocks

- Function Pop-up for Quick Overview and Navigation

- Plug-able Through Your Favorite Scripting Language

- Recordable Macros With No Programming Required

- Regular Expression Search and Replace (grep)

- Run Shell Commands from Within a Document

- Support for Darcs, Perforce, SVK, and Subversion

- Support for More Than 50 Languages

- Switch Between Files in Projects With a Minimum of Key Strokes

- Themable Syntax Highlight Colors

- Visual Bookmarks to Jump Between Places in a File

- Works As External Editor for (s)ftp Programs

- Works Together With Xcode and Can Build Xcode Projects

macOS 10.12 or later 64-bit
