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Enhance your PC's performance with a simple scan, and installation of the latest drivers for the devices on your system.

PerfectUpdater detects and installs the last appropriate drivers for devices, minimizing hardware conflicts and improving system stability.Enhance your PC's performance with a simple scan, and installation of the latest drivers for your system. PerfectUpdater detects and installs the appropriate drivers for your devices, minimizing hardware conflicts and improving system stability.

PerfectUpdater helps you avoid errors such as the BSOD (blue screen of death) by installing the latest device drivers. Are you a gamer? Optimize the functionality of your graphics card with PerfectUpdater for the best gaming experience.

Ensure the drivers you to your PC are 100% safe. PerfectUpdater's extensive library of driver updates only includes original manufacturer (OEM) drivers, ensuring compatibility with your devices, hardware and software. PerfectUpdater includes NO 3rd party driver s in our advanced database.

PerfectUpdater takes a full backup of existing drivers - or specific drivers you choose - allowing you to restore the original drivers on your PC in case the new drivers are damaged during installation.

You can select and exclude drivers from your scan that would cause system instability due to compatibility issues. Once excluded, they will not show up in subsequent scan results.

Automatic driver scans can be scheduled in advance with PerfectUpdater, either on a reoccurring basis or for a one- scan.

PerfectUpdater is fully compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.
