Learning Path: Android App Developer
HDRips | MP4/AVC, ~2000 kb/s | 1280x720 | Duration: 24:06:00 | English: AAC, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 9.95 GB
Genre: Development / Programming

This Learning Path includes Android 6 App Development LiveLessons, Part 1 and 2.

Part I
Android 6 App Development Fundamentals Part I: Introduction
BeforeYouBegin: Setting Up Your Development Environment
Lesson 1:Test-Driving the Doodlz App
Overview of Lesson 1
Ensuring that the correct Android platform is installed
Opening the Tip Calculator App's Project in Android Studio
Creating Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) for testing Android apps
Test-Driving the Doodlz App on an AVD
Test-Driving the Doodlz App on a device
Lesson 2: Welcome App
Overview of Lesson 2
Test-driving the Welcome app
Technologies Overview
Creating a new Android project
Andoid Studio Window
Adding an image to the Project
Adding an App Icon
Changing the RelativeLayout to a LinearLayout
Configuring the LinearLayout's id and orientation Properties
Configuring the TextView's id and text Properties
Configuring the TextView's textSize Property
Configuring the TextView's textColor Property
Configuring the TextView's gravity Property
Configuring the TextView's layout:gravity Property
Configuring the TextView's layout:weight Property
Adding an ImageView to Display the Image
Testing the Completed Design on a Phone and a Tablet
Making Your App Accessible
Localizing the Welcome App for Spanish
Executing the Localized App on an AVD and on a Device
Lesson 3: Tip Calculator App
Overview of Lesson 3
Test-Driving the Tip Calculator App
Technologies Overview: Class Activity
Technologies Overview: Activity Lifecycle Methods
Technologies Overview: AppCompat Library and class AppCompatActivity
Technologies Overview: Arranging Views in a GridLayout; Creating and Customizing the GUI with the Layout Editor, the Component Tree and the Properties Window
Technologies Overview: Formatting Numbers as Locale-Specific Currency and Percentage Strings
Technologies Overview: Implementing Interface TextWatcher for Handling EditText Text Changes and Implementing Interface SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener for Handling SeekBar Thumb Position Changes
Technologies Overview: Material Themes
Technologies Overview: Material Design-Elevation and Shadows
Technologies Overview: Material Design-Colors
Technologies Overview: AndroidManifest.xml
GridLayout introduction
Creating the TipCalculator Project
Changing to a GridLayout
Adding the TextViews, EditText and SeekBar: Adding Views to the First Row
Adding the TextViews, EditText and SeekBar: Adding Views to the Second Row
Adding the TextViews, EditText and SeekBar: Adding Views to the Third Row
Adding the TextViews, EditText and SeekBar: Adding Views to the Fourth Row
Customizing the Views: Specifying Literal Text
Customizing the Views: Right Aligning TextViews in the Left Column
Customizing the Views: Configuring the amountEditText
Customizing the Views: Configuring the amountTextView
Customizing the Views: Configuring the percentTextView
Customizing the Views: Configuring the percentSeekBar
Customizing the Views: Configuring the tipTextView and totalTextView
Customizing the Theme's Primary, Primary Dark and Accent Colors
Adding the App's Logic: package and import Statements
Adding the App's Logic: MainActivity Subclass of AppCompatActivity
Adding the App's Logic: Class Variables and Instance Variables
Adding the App's Logic: Overridding Activity Method onCreate
Adding the App's Logic: MainActivity Method calculate
Adding the App's Logic: Anonymous Inner Class That Implements Interface OnSeekBarChangeListener
Adding the App's Logic: Anonymous Inner Class That Implements Interface TextWatcher
AndroidManifest.xml: Setting Portrait Mode and Forcing the Keypad to Display
Lesson 4: Flag Quiz Game App
Overview of Lesson 4
Test-Driving the Flag Quiz App
Technologies Overview: Menus
Technologies Overview: Fragments
Technologies Overview: Fragment Lifecycle
Technologies Overview: Managing Fragments
Technologies Overview: Preferences
Technologies Overview: assets Folder
Technologies Overview: Resource Folders
Technologies Overview: Supporting Different Screen Sizes and Resolutions
Technologies Overview: Programmatically Determining Device Orientation
Technologies Overview: Toasts for Displaying Messages
Technologies Overview: Using a Handler to Execute a Runnable in the Future
Technologies Overview: Applying an Animation to a View
Technologies Overview: Using ViewAnimationUtils to Create a Circular Reveal Animator
Technologies Overview: Specifying Colors Based on a View's State Via a Color State List
Technologies Overview: AlertDialog
Technologies Overview: Logging Exception Messages
Technologies Overview: Launching Another Activity Via an Explicit Intent
Technologies Overview: Java Data Structures
Technologies Overview: Java SE 7 Features
Technologies Overview: AndroidManifest.xml-Declaring New Activities and Specifying the Launch Mode of an Activity
Creating the Flag Quiz Project
Blank Activity Template Layouts
Configuring Java SE 7 Support
Adding the Flag Images to the Project
strings.xml and Formatted String Resources
button_text_color.xml: Defining a Color State List
Editing menu_main.xml
Creating a Flag Shake Animation
preferences.xml for Specifying the App's Default Settings
Adding Classes SettingsActivity and SettingsActivityFragment
activity_main.xml Layout for Devices in Portrait Orientation
Designing fragment_main.xml
Designing fragment_main.xml: Step 1, Changing from a RelativeLayout to a LinearLayout
Designing fragment_main.xml: Step 2, Adding the questionNumberTextView to the LinearLayout
Designing fragment_main.xml: Step 3, Adding the flagImageView to the LinearLayout
Designing fragment_main.xml: Step 4, Adding the guessCountryTextView to the LinearLayout
Designing fragment_main.xml: Step 5, Adding the Buttons to the LinearLayout
Designing fragment_main.xml: Step 6, Adding the answerTextView to the LinearLayout
Designing fragment_main.xml: Step 7, Setting the Properties of the Buttons
content_main.xml Layout for Tablet Landscape Orientation: Creating the Tablet Layout
content_main.xml Layout for Tablet Landscape Orientation: Creating the Tablet Layout's GUI
content_main.xml Layout for Tablet Landscape Orientation: Selecting a Fragment to Preview in the Layout Editor's Design View
MainActivity Class: package Statement and Import Statements
MainActivity Class: Fields
MainActivity Class: Overridden Activity Method onCreate
MainActivity Class: Overridden Activity Method onStart
MainActivity Class: Overridden Activity Method onCreateOptionsMenu
MainActivity Class: Overridden Activity Method onOptionsItemSelected
MainActivity Class: Anonymous Inner Class That Implements OnSharedPreferencesChangeListener
MainActivityFragment Class: package Statement and import Statements
MainActivityFragment Class: Fields
MainActivityFragment Class: Overridden Fragment Method onCreateView
MainActivityFragment Class: Methods updateGuessRows
MainActivityFragment Class: Method updateRegions
MainActivityFragment Class: Method resetQuiz
MainActivityFragment Class: Method loadNextFlag
MainActivityFragment Class: Method getCountryName
MainActivityFragment Class: Method animate
MainActivityFragment Class: Anonymous Inner Class That Implements onclickListener
MainActivityFragment Class: Method disableButtons
SettingsActivity Class
SettingsActivityFragment Class
AndroidManifest.xml: Declaring Other Activities and Configuring the Launch Mode
Part II
Android 6 App Development Fundamentals Part II: Introduction
Lesson 5: Doodlz App
Overview of Lesson 5
Test-Driving the Doodlz App
Technologies Overview: Activity and Fragment Lifecycle Methods
Technologies Overview: Custom Views
Technologies Overview: Using SensorManager to Listen for Accelerometer Events
Technologies Overview: Custom DialogFragments
Technologies Overview: Drawing with Canvas, Paint and Bitmap
Technologies Overview: Processing Multiple Touch Events and Storing Lines in Paths
Technologies Overview: Saving to the Device
Technologies Overview: Printing and the Android Support Library's PrintHelper Class
Technologies Overview: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) Permissions Model
Technologies Overview: Adding Dependences to a Project Using Gradle
Creating the Doodlz Project and Adding the App Icon
Removing unused GUI Components and Code, and Changing the Theme Colors
Gradle: Adding a Support Library to the Project
Importing the Material Design Icons for the App's Menu Items
MainActivityFragment Menu
Adding a Permission to AndroidManifest.xml
content_main.xml Layout for MainActivity
fragment_main.xml Layout for MainActivityFragment
fragment_color.xml Layout for ColorDialogFragment
fragment_line_width.xml Layout for LineWidthDialogFragment
Adding Class EraseImageDialogFragment
MainActivity Class
MainActivityFragmentclass: package Statement, import Statements and Fields
MainActivityFragmentclass: Overridden Fragment Method onCreateView
MainActivityFragmentclass: Overridden Fragment Method onResume and Method enableAccelerometerListening
MainActivityFragmentclass: Overridden Fragment Method onPause and Method disableAccelerometerListening
MainActivityFragmentclass: Anonymous Inner Class for Processing Accelerometer Events
MainActivityFragmentclass: Method confirmErase
MainActivityFragmentclass: Overridden Fragment Methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected
MainActivityFragmentclass: Method saveImage
MainActivityFragmentclass: Overridden Method onRequestPermissionResult
MainActivityFragmentclass: Methods getDoodleView and setDialogOnScreen
DoodleView.java-package Statement and import Statements
DoodleView.java-DoodleView static and Instance Variables
DoodleView.java-DoodleView Constructor
DoodleView.java-Overridden View Method onSizeChanged
DoodleView.java-DoodleView Methods clear, setDrawingColor, getDrawingColor, setLineWidth and getLineWidth
DoodleView.java-Overridden View Method onDraw
DoodleView.java-Overridden View Method onTouchEvent
DoodleView.java-touchStarted Method of Class DoodleView
DoodleView.java-touchMoved Method of Class DoodleView
DoodleView.java-touchEnded Method of Class DoodleView
DoodleView.java-DoodleView Method saveImage
DoodleView.java-DoodleView Method printImage
ColorDialogFragment.java-package Statement, import Statements and Fields
ColorDialogFragment.java-Overridden DialogFragment Method onCreateDialog
ColorDialogFragment.java-Method getDoodleFragment
ColorDialogFragment.java-Fragment Lifecycle Methods onAttach and onDetach
ColorDialogFragment.java-Anonymous Inner Class That Responds to the Events of the Alpha, Red, Green and Blue SeekBars
LineWidthDialogFragment Class
EraseImageDialogFragment Class
Lesson 6: Cannon Game App
Overview of Lesson 6
Test-Driving the Cannon Game App
Technologies Overview-Using the res/raw folder
Technologies Overview-Activity/Fragment onDestroy Method
Technologies Overview-Touch event handling
Technologies Overview-SoundPool and AudioManager
Technologies Overview-Frame-by-Frame Animation with Threads, SurfaceView and SurfaceHolder
Technologies Overview-Simple Collision Detection
Technologies Overview-Immersive Mode
Creating the Project and Setting the App for Landscape Orientation
Adjusting the Theme to Remove the App Title and App Bar
Adding Sounds to the App
Adding Class MainActivityFragment
Editing activity_main.xml
Adding the CannonView to fragment_main.xml
Overview of This App's Classes
MainActivity Subclass of AppCompatActivity
MainActivityFragment Subclass of Fragment
Class GameElement-Instance Variables and Constructor
Class GameElement-Methods update, draw and playSound
Blocker Subclass of GameElement
Target Subclass of GameElement
Cannon Class-Instance Variables and Constructor
Cannon Class-Method align
Cannon Class-Method fireCannonball
Cannon Class-Method draw
Cannon Class-Methods getCannonball and removeCannonball
Cannonball Subclass of GameElement-Instance Variables and Constructor
Cannonball Subclass of GameElement-Methods getRadius, collidesWith, isOnScreen and reverseVelocityX
Cannonball Subclass of GameElement-Method update
Cannonball Subclass of GameElement-Method draw
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-package and import Statements
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Instance Variables and Constants
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Constructor
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Overriding View Method onSizeChanged
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Methods getScreenWidth, getScreenHeight and playSound
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Method newGame
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Method updatePositions
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Method alignAndFireCannonball
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Method showGameOverDialog
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Method drawGameElements
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Method testForCollisions
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Methods stopGame and releaseResources
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Implementing the SurfaceHolder.Callback Methods
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Overriding View Method onTouchEvent
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-CannonThread: Using a Thread to Create a Game Loop
CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView-Methods hideSystemBars and showSystemBars
Lesson 7: WeatherViewer App
Overview of Lesson 7
Test-Driving the WeatherViewer App
Technologies Overview-Web Services
Technologies Overview-javascript Object Notation (JSON) and the org.json Package
Technologies Overview-HttpUrlConnection Invoking a REST Web Service
Technologies Overview-Using AsyncTask to Perform Network Requests Outside the GUI Thread
Technologies Overview-ListView, ArrayAdapter and the View-Holder pattern
Technologies Overview-FloatingActionButton
Technologies Overview-TextInputLayout
Technologies Overview-Snackbar
Creating the Project
AndroidManifest.xml-Setting the Orientation and Permissions
Editing activity_main.xml
Editing content_main.xml
Creating list_item.xml
Weather Class: package Statement, import Statements and Instance Variables
Weather Class: Constructor
Weather Class: Method convertTimeStampToDay
WeatherArrayAdapter Class: package and import Statements
WeatherArrayAdapter Class: Nested Class ViewHolder
WeatherArrayAdapter Class: Instance Variable and Constructor
WeatherArrayAdapter Class: Overridden ArrayAdapter Method getView
WeatherArrayAdapter Class: Nested AsyncTask Subclass for Downloading Images in a Separate Thread
MainActivity Class: package and import Statements
MainActivity Class: Instance Variables
MainActivity Class: Overridden Activity Method onCreate
MainActivity Class: Methods dismissKeyboard and createUrl
MainActivity Class: Nested AsyncTask Subclass for Invoking a Web Service
MainActivity Class: Method convertJSONtoArrayList
Lesson 8: Twitter Searches App
Overview of Lesson 8
Test-Driving the Twitter Searches App
Technologies Overview-Storing Key-Value Data in a SharedPreferences File
Technologies Overview-Implicit Intents and Intent Choosers
Technologies Overview-RecyclerView
Technologies Overview-RecyclerView.Adapter and RecyclerView.ViewHolder
Technologies Overview-RecyclerView.ItemDecoration
Technologies Overview-Displaying a List of Options in an AlertDialog
Creating the Twitter Searches Project
AndroidManifest.xml-Prevent Keyboard from Displaying Initially
Adding the RecyclerView Library to the Project.
Adding the Save Button Icon
activity_main.xml-Customizing the FloatingActionButton
content_main.xml Step 1-Adding the queryTextInputLayout and Its Nested EditText
content_main.xml Step 2-Adding the tagTextInputLayout and Its Nested EditText
content_main.xml Step 3-Adding the LinearLayout
content_main.xml Step 4-Adding the LinearLayout's Nested TextView and RecyclerView
RecyclerView Item's Layout-list_item.xml
MainActivity.java-package and import statements
MainActivity.java-Overriding Activity Method onCreate
MainActivity.java-TextWatcher Event Handler and Method updateSaveFAB
MainActivity.java-saveButton's onclickListener
MainActivity.java-addTaggedSearch Method
MainActivity.java-Anonymous Inner Class that Implements the ListView's OnItemClickListener to Display Search Results
MainActivity.java-Anonymous Inner Class that Implements the View.OnItemLongClickListener to Share, Edit or Delete a Search
MainActivity.java-shareSearch Method
MainActivity.java-deleteSearch Method
SearchesAdapter.java-package Statement, import Statements, Instance Variables and Constructor
SearchesAdapter.java-Nested ViewHolder Subclass of RecyclerView.ViewHolder
SearchesAdapter.java-Overridden RecyclerView.Adapter Methods
ItemDivider.java-ItemDivider Subclass of RecyclerView.ItemDecoration
Lesson 9: AddressBook App
Overview of Lesson 9
Test-Driving the Address Book App
Technologies Overview-Displaying Fragments with FragmentTransactions
Technologies Overview-Communicating Data Between a Fragment and a Host Activity
Technologies Overview-Manipulating a SQLite Database
Technologies Overview-ContentProviders and ContentResolvers
Technologies Overview-Loader and LoaderManager: Asynchronous Database Access
Technologies Overview-Defining Styles and Applying Them to GUI Components
Technologies Overview-Specifying a TextView's Background
Creating the Project
Creating the App's Classes
Adding the App's Icons
Defining common look-and-feel: styles.xml
Defining a TextView Border: textview_border.xml
MainActivity's content_main.xml for Phones and Tablets
ContactsFragment's Layout: fragment_Contacts.xml
DetailFragment's Layout: fragment_details.xml
AddEditFragment's Layout: fragment_add_edit.xml
Defining DetailFragment Menu
Overview of This App's Classes
DatabaseDescription Class
AddressBookDatabaseHelper Class
AddressBookContentProvider Class-Fields
AddressBookContentProvider Class-Overridden Methods onCreate and getType
AddressBookContentProvider Class-Overridden Method query
AddressBookContentProvider Class-Overridden Method insert
AddressBookContentProvider Class-Overridden Method update
AddressBookContentProvider Class-Overridden Method delete
MainActivity.java-Superclass, Implemented Interfaces and Fields
MainActivity.java-Overridden Activity Method onCreate
MainActivity.java-ContactsFragment.ContactsFragmentListener Methods
MainActivity.java-Method displayContact
MainActivity.java-Method displayAddEditFragment
MainActivity.java-DetailFragment.DetailFragmentListener Methods
MainActivity.java-AddEditFragment.AddEditFragmentListener Methods
ContactsFragment.java-Superclass and Implemented Interface
ContactsFragment.java-ContactsFragmentListener Nested Interface
ContactsFragment.java-Overridden Fragment Method onCreateView
ContactsFragment.java-Overridden Fragment Methods onAttach and onDetach
ContactsFragment.java-Overridden Fragment Method onActivityCreated
ContactsFragment.java-Method updateContactList
ContactsFragment.java-LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks Methods
ContactAdatper Class
AddEditFragment.java-Superclass and Implemented Interface
AddEditFragment.java-AddEditFragmentListener Nested Interface
AddEditFragment.java-Overridden Methods onAttach, onDetach and onCreateView
AddEditFragment.java-TextWatcher nameChangedListener and Method updateSaveButtonFAB
AddEditFragment.java-View.onclickListener saveContactButtonclicked and Method saveContact
AddEditFragment.java-LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks Methods
DetailFragment.java-Superclass and Implemented Interface
DetailFragment.java-DetailFragmentListener Nested Interface
DetailFragment.java-Overridden Methods onAttach, onDetach and onCreateView
DetailFragment.java-Overridden Methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected
DetailFragment.java-Method deleteContact and DialogFragment confirmDelete
DetailFragment.java-LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks Methods

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